Silly me, I assumed the ads were flogging tickets for school sporting events or were about the school's purported intellectual superiority (evidenced by overuse of the word 'excellence').
No. The ad I saw this morning was advertising a local day care. I'm sure the ads for Henessey and McDonald's are forthcoming.
This reminds me of the charmingly titled Simpsons episode, Grift of the Magi, wherein a bankrupt Springfield Elementary is purchased by a toy company. Said toy company omits traditional book learning and instead uses students for marketing research.
A horrifying example of corporate greed and consumerism, or simply an idea ahead of its time?
But just when I'm ready to wag my finger and consider this another nail in the coffin of Western civilization, the Universe balances out.
Behold the following Humanist holiday ad that will be plastered on the side of D.C. buses through December: